VIS NIR LED Characterization Systems
The illumiaPro3 is an integrating sphere spectroradiometer designed specifically for the testing and characterization of high-power LEDs.
· Total Spectral Flux | · Color Performance |
· Luminous Flux | · Wavelength Characteristics |
· Radiant Flux | · LIVT |
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The illumiaPro3 is an 0.5 m integrating sphere spectroradiometer designed for flexibility for R&D and production applications for the LIVT and LM-85 testing and characterization of high-power LEDs.

Versatile and Robust
The 0.5 m integrating sphere spectrometer, coated with Labsphere Spectraflect® diffuse white coating, comes standard with a 2π measurement geometry and is fitted with a thermal tech controller, industry-leading source meter, and Labsphere’s stray light corrected spectrometer for LIVT, pulsed modes, and DC testing of high-power LEDs..
LM-85 Test Methods:
- LM-85 Single pulse mode
- LM-85 Continuous pulse mode
- LM-85 DC mode

Automated Thermal, Optical, and Electrical Characterization
Included with the illumiaPro3 system, Integral provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use menu-driven operating environment. It allows users to control the LED temperature and operating current and voltage at specified ranges. This control enables the software to measure and characterize the device under test (DUT) over a wide range of temperatures. The software simultaneously collects electrical, optical, thermal and total spectral flux data which is graphed and viewed on screen or can be exported for further analysis.

illumia®Pro3 System
- Sphere Size 50 cm
- Spectral Range: (calibrated) 350 - 1000 nm
- Wavelength Accuracy <+/- 0.3 nm
- Integration Time 40 μs to 5 s